HTML DOM body Property

Document Object Reference Document Object


Change the background color of the current document: = "yellow";
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More "Try it Yourself" examples below.

Definition and Usage

The body property sets or returns the document's body.

On return, this property returns the <body> element of the current document.

On set, this property overwrites all child elements inside the existing <body> element, and replaces it with the new, specified content.

Tip: The difference between this property and the document.documentElement property, is that the document.body element returns the <body> element, while the document.documentElement returns the <html> element.

Browser Support

body Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Return the body property:


Set the body property:


Property Values

Value Description
newContent Specifies the new content for <body>

Technical Details

Return Value: A reference to the Body Object, which represents a <body> element, or null if the element does not exist
DOM Version Core Level 1 Document Object


More Examples


Get the HTML content of the current document:

var x = document.body.innerHTML;
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Change the HTML content of the current document (will overwrite all existing HTML elements inside <body>):

document.body.innerHTML = "Some new HTML content";
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Create a <p> element with some text and append it to the document's body:

var x = document.createElement("P");                        // Create a <p> element
var t = document.createTextNode("This is a paragraph.");    // Create a text node
x.appendChild(t);                                           // Append the text to <p>
document.body.appendChild(x);                               // Append <p> to <body>
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Related Pages

HTML reference: HTML <body> tag

JavaScript reference: HTML DOM Body Object

Document Object Reference Document Object