HTML <input> step Attribute

HTML input Tag Reference HTML <input> tag


An HTML form with an input field with a specified legal number intervals:

<form action="demo_form.asp">
  <input type="number" name="points" step="3">
  <input type="submit">
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Definition and Usage

The step attribute specifies the legal number intervals for an <input> element.

Example: if step="3", legal numbers could be -3, 0, 3, 6, etc.

Tip: The step attribute can be used together with the max and min attributes to create a range of legal values.

Note: The step attribute works with the following input types: number, range, date, datetime, datetime-local, month, time and week.

Browser Support

The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the attribute.

step 6.0 10.0 16.0 5.0 10.6

Differences Between HTML 4.01 and HTML5

The step attribute is new in HTML5.


<input step="number">

Attribute Values

Value Description
number Specifies the legal number intervals for the input field. Default is 1

HTML input Tag Reference HTML <input> tag